Friday, June 16, 2006

We will begin a cross country trip this Sunday afternoon. We are driving to Great Falls, Montana where my wife’s parents live. We will be out for two weeks.

A Trip to Wild Horse

Last year I took a day and drove up to Wild Horse, Canada in the providence of Alberta. It was what I would call a sojourn. A trip to a quiet place for solace. I was excited to see Wild Horse. The name sounded exciting. I could almost visualize the cool hats that a place like Wild Horse would have.

I drove up the back roads from Great Falls, Montana. I meandered up Highway 87 with this deep belief that I needed to hear something that day. I really felt like God was going to show me something, something important.

I stopped in Big Sandy, Montana. 683 hardy souls at the foot of Bear Paw Mountain (or was it a mound?). I had lunch at Q’s Cafe. I don’t think it was named after Q from the James Bond movies. I entertained the idea, then dismissed it. At least I did when I saw no gadgets decorating the interior of the restaurant. Only pictures of Big Sandy’s sports teams and an upcoming rodeo adorned the walls.

I sat down and ordered my traditional small town café meal, a bacon cheeseburger. I had my Bible so I began to read through the pages. I sat there for a time until I was approached by a tall man in a cowboy hat. He asked what I was reading and invited me to join him and his daughter for lunch. He was a talker and I was willing to listen. It was a pleasant lunch. Hearing about this man and his ministry. He shared how he came to Christ and his experiences since.

I had decided to travel through Big Sandy because my mentor in ministry had spent several years as the Church of God pastor there. We talked about my Pastor friend, his church and all that was happening in Big Sandy.

That is one thing that strikes me today about the Kingdom. I am in some nowhere town on some obscure stretch of highway, and yet the book I read is easily identified. It connects me to a man I have never met to a story I at times struggle to believe. It is in those moments that I see the power of Christ. It is in these moments you see the transforming work of Jesus. It is easy to forget just how powerful the message is.

He ended up buying my lunch, I thanked him and went on my way. I still had Wild Horse as my goal. I thought about calling it quits, maybe some of the things this man shared were all I needed to hear. I decided that I started out for Canada and I should see it through.

I had envisioned Wild Horse as a place with a Saloon, maybe a biker bar. It just sounded like that type of place. A place with a lot of character, and I love character.

I traveled on these back roads of Montana, drawing closer with every mile marker to my destination, Canada. I will never forget what I found when I did hit Wild Horse in the province of Alberta. I drove up to the border crossing and stopped for inspection. I asked the border officer for directions to Wild Horse. She laughed. This was Wild Horse she informed me.

It was a building. Well, it was one building with an out building on the Canadian side and two buildings on the U.S. side. I discovered that Wild Horse was not so much a town, more like the name of a border crossing. Now those of you who already knew this and think I am silly, OK. I grew up in Kansas a long way from any border so I never even stopped to think that the circle on the map was anything more than what a circle on a map in Kansas was, a town.

I told her I had driven from Great Falls, Montana to see the sites in Canada. She informed me that the sites wouldn’t start for another hour. She let me know that I wouldn’t see people until Medicine Hat, another great name by the way.

I was disappointed, she took pity on me. Since Wild Horse had no saloon or hats or collector shirts, she gave me a Canadian Customs stuffed bear.

Not There Yet

This is what I learned that day. I wasn't there yet. I remember when I gave my life to Christ at twenty-two. I remember dreaming of a day when I would arrive in my Christian walk. The day when I would be that mature believer I saw in others. I remember how disappointed I was when I didn’t quite measure up to who I believed I should be. I never seem to be as far along in the journey as I think I am.

What if that is the whole point? What if that has always been the point? What if Peter wasn’t really failing when he began to sink like a led balloon out at sea? What if He wasn’t failing when he denied Christ? What if he was just growing? What if he was just learning what it is all about? What if it was just the next step in Peter’s journey of faith?

What if Peter thought he had arrived? Let’s face it, he talks a lot like someone who thinks they have arrived. Look at his actions that last week of Jesus life. When Jesus wants to wash Peter’s feet Peter says, “You shall never wash my feet” (Jn 13:8). When Jesus says He must, Peter changes his tune. Now instead of no washing it is a full body cleansing (Jn. 13:9).

Peter seems at first to be attempting to show he understands. I will wash your feet, I will serve. Then he turns the other direction and seems to want to show that he is totally committed. Then Jesus informs him that he will deny he even knows Him. Peter has arrived again when he says there is no way.

After Peter’s third denial, the cock crows and Peter remembers what Jesus said. Looks like Peter’s Wild Horse moment. He thought he had arrived but he still had further to go. In the last chapter of the book of John Peter is restored. Jesus doesn’t hold his failures against him. Jesus doesn’t give up on Peter, he actually sends him further on and deeper in. Jesus tells him more will be expected, not less. Why? Peter was on a journey that will not be finished until the end.

I can not count the number of times that I have thought that I arrived. I have been to my spiritual Wild Horse more times than I would care to admit. The beauty is that Jesus is always there to push me further on and deeper in. I found myself frustrated and disappointed that day receiving my stuffed bear, but God used it to teach me truth.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that Peter arrived on Pentecost day. He still had a roof top experience and a firm rebuke from Paul to come. All because he, like you and I, are still moving, still growing, still looking for the next destination on this journey. How intriguing to realize you are never arriving, always on your way.

This year my goal is Medicine Hat, I will let you know what unfolds.


Blogger preacherman said...

Excellent post.
I enjoyed your comments about Peter.
It made me think.
I loved it.
Thanks you for challenging me and for this excellent post.
Through the journey we grow. And the journey doesn't end until as Pual says, we reach the goal.
So press on! Press on!

9:41 PM  

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