Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blog Traffic

How many blogs do you read? I just wonder if there is some kind of average. What type of blog do you enjoy? Why do you read the ones you do?



Blogger Royce Ogle said...

I read 4 or 5 brotherhood blogs almost every day. And, I also read lots of other material as well. I want to keep up with trends in the coC and the Christian world at large.

I have learned more from blogs about what makes the RM churches tick than from any other source.

Grace and Peace,
Royce Ogle

7:27 AM  
Blogger Darin L. Hamm said...

Thanks Royce.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Wade Tannehill said...

I read about 30 blogs, 25 regularly, and 8 or 10 consistenlty (as in every post).

I read only Christian blogs relating to a range of topics like Bible, ministry, church, spirituality, and theology.

Some blogs I read becaue they help me to live better. Others I learn from. Some help me keep up with people I know. I read the blogs of those who comment on my blog so I can get to know more about the person. With some blogs I identify with the author's sense of humor or experience. And other blogs keep me in tune with current trends in the church and the world. I also get many good book recommendations.

I especially read a lot of minister's blogs. It can be a lonely vocation, so the blogosphere is like the water cooler we gather around to "talk shop."

I may have to go to blogs anonymous.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

I read about 15 blogs that I check either on a daily basis or every other day. There are considerably more that I check in at least once a week. Most of the blogs I read are biblical in orientation or ministry oriented.

I am enriched by each one in a different way.

Bobby Valentine

6:52 PM  
Blogger preacherman said...

I check alot blogs usually 10-15 (yours, wades, Josh's, Royce's, Brians, Bobby's, Bens, and others) daily if I have time. More sometimes when I have a day off and have some free time away from the boys and wife. Usaually brotherhood blogs, dealing with ministry, church, relavent topics. Family and minsitry comes first.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Darin L. Hamm said...

Thanks for all your feedback.

If you ever ask this question on your blog let me know. I am just interested in seeing how people interact/educate/etc. on blogs.

12:52 PM  

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