Blog Traffic
How many blogs do you read? I just wonder if there is some kind of average. What type of blog do you enjoy? Why do you read the ones you do?
How many blogs do you read? I just wonder if there is some kind of average. What type of blog do you enjoy? Why do you read the ones you do?
I read 4 or 5 brotherhood blogs almost every day. And, I also read lots of other material as well. I want to keep up with trends in the coC and the Christian world at large.
I have learned more from blogs about what makes the RM churches tick than from any other source.
Grace and Peace,
Royce Ogle
Thanks Royce.
I read about 30 blogs, 25 regularly, and 8 or 10 consistenlty (as in every post).
I read only Christian blogs relating to a range of topics like Bible, ministry, church, spirituality, and theology.
Some blogs I read becaue they help me to live better. Others I learn from. Some help me keep up with people I know. I read the blogs of those who comment on my blog so I can get to know more about the person. With some blogs I identify with the author's sense of humor or experience. And other blogs keep me in tune with current trends in the church and the world. I also get many good book recommendations.
I especially read a lot of minister's blogs. It can be a lonely vocation, so the blogosphere is like the water cooler we gather around to "talk shop."
I may have to go to blogs anonymous.
I read about 15 blogs that I check either on a daily basis or every other day. There are considerably more that I check in at least once a week. Most of the blogs I read are biblical in orientation or ministry oriented.
I am enriched by each one in a different way.
Bobby Valentine
I check alot blogs usually 10-15 (yours, wades, Josh's, Royce's, Brians, Bobby's, Bens, and others) daily if I have time. More sometimes when I have a day off and have some free time away from the boys and wife. Usaually brotherhood blogs, dealing with ministry, church, relavent topics. Family and minsitry comes first.
Thanks for all your feedback.
If you ever ask this question on your blog let me know. I am just interested in seeing how people interact/educate/etc. on blogs.
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