Thursday, September 14, 2006

Spoiled Brats
Moments in a journey of faith

I must confess I wanted to ring his neck. If someone could have read my mind I would be in prison right now. You’ve probably witnessed the scene. The kid wants something and mom says no so the child goes off like a five alarm fire until he gets his way. You look at the parent because you feel their pain, no one wants everyone staring at them at the Piggly Wiggly check out line, and yet you worry about the message being sent.

No one wakes up in the morning and says, “I hope my kid makes a scene that shows up on the six o’clock news.” No one who loves their child sets out to do so in such a way that allows them to be manipulated like a ballot box in a Florida election. It is just not how we envisioned life, and yet I understand.

I love our kids. I want them to know they are loved. I struggle with balancing that love with the fact that I must raise up children who are selfless. They shouldn’t always get there way because it isn’t healthy. I know it isn’t really love to allow them to walk all over me and yet.

I sympathize with the mother in front of me, but I still want to ring her child’s neck. I want him to understand that his mother loves him but please that has nothing to do with you getting a candy bar.

Spiritually Spoiled?

My problem is that from time to time, even though I understand it is not healthy to spoil a child, I want my heavenly Father to spoil me. My tantrums are far more adult, I promise I don’t stomp my feet and turn my lower lip, but they are a tantrum none the less.

Why is it that I understand that a parent shouldn’t spoil their child all the while wondering why God won’t spoil me? When I have tough times what do I want? I want God to bail me out.

When I don’t have the things I want what do I do? I give God a side long glance as if to say, “I thought you would never leave me or forsake me?” When our children try to manipulate me I resist because I know it isn’t good and yet why oh why do I expect the same from my heavenly Father?

I rejoice today that my heavenly Father isn’t worried about what others will think. He doesn’t show any concern no matter how much I throw a fit. He being perfect always seems to know when I don’t need to get my way. He alone is doing a great job keeping me from being spoiled.

"because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in." Proverbs 3:12


Blogger Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

I have wanted to ring a neck or two before.

But from my perspective God has spoiled me. Why should I have it so good and my brother in Pakistan doesn't even know when or if a neighbor will decide to kill him for Jesus.

Bobby Valentine

8:37 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

I've felt the same way. Good application. Praise God that He knows what we need more than we do.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Darin L. Hamm said...


Thanks for the comment. A wonderful addition to the discussion. One that has me asking if I truly take up my cross instead of looking for a little help.

Powerful words Bobby, thanks again.

9:06 AM  
Blogger preacherman said...

I think alot of Christians fail to see God as a Father who gives us what we need not what we want all time. We confuse the needs with wants alot of times. A father nows what a child needs.

It is also sad how many Christians are spoiled think that if they don't get things the way the want in church then they are going scream, pitch a fit, and gripe until they get what they want. Churches need to stop catering to the whinner babies.

Darin, Great post as always.

12:50 PM  
Blogger Darin L. Hamm said...


I know I am one of those Christians. I act like a hang nail is the end of the world. I am a God whiner.

Bobby nailed me good.

4:59 PM  

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